April 2023

Available Now!

This April, I’m going to camp! But not real camp (there’s still 2 feet of snow in my back yard)—Camp NaNoWriMo, a spin-off of National Novel Writing Month. My goal is to write a 25,000 word novella (more on that later on), which I’m hoping to be able to share this summer. April is also National Poetry month, which is the perfect segue for my news... Scribbles, Rhymes, and Lima Beans is now available in paperback and ebook!

What I'm Reading

Since April is National Poetry Month, I’m reading through the collections of Dylan Thomas and John Keats. I’m also reading up on the craft of poetry as I prepare for my next project, a collaborative collection that I’ll tease more in the next few months. 

Poetry Corner


She hands me a book,
Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle

and I glimpse the girl she used to be
in the of the cover.

She reads me the words
without looking at the pages.

It's like going back in time
and forward in time

to a moment when we are both
fearless dreamers.


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